Plantation | Key West | Miami | West Palm Beach (954) 228-4029

Common Reasons for Contact by a Process Server

If you have a process server trying to contact you, you might be a little confused or even scared. Process servers are portrayed as harbingers of bad news, so it’s no wonder that people become uneasy when they know a process server is searching for them. However, there’s no reason to fear a process server! Process servers are tasked with delivering vital notifications to people about legal matters, so it’s important to always communicate with a process server if they try to reach out to you. In this post, we’ll go over the most common reasons a process server may be trying to contact you.

Summons & Complaint

Process servers who are contacting you are probably attempting to serve you a summons and complaint, which is a formal notification that a person or business has filed a claim against you in a court. The summons and complaint includes the details of the case, instructions for how to respond, and your upcoming court date.


If someone is requesting that you be a witness or produce evidence for a court case, a process server will have to serve you a subpoena. A subpoena indicates that you are not named as a litigant in the court case, but that you have knowledge or information that is vital to the outcome of the case. Either the plaintiff or defendant can subpoena witnesses in a court case.

Orders & Notices

Summonses, complaints, and subpoenas make up the large majority of process that is served by process servers. However, there are other court orders and notices that can be served by a process server. Eviction orders, orders of possession, foreclosure notices, child custody orders, and more are all court documents that process servers handle.

Southern Florida’s Premier Process Servers – Accurate Serve

If you need process of any type served in southern Florida, Accurate Serve of Plantation is the best choice. Our servers have experience serving many types of process for both individuals and business entities, so we can handle your process with professionalism and efficiency. To get started with Accurate Serve today, call us at 954-228-4029 or send us a work request online.

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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