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Four Reasons to Hire a Private Process Server

If you are filing for divorce, suing someone, or instigating some other court matter, you will need to notify the other party of the case in order for it to move forward. The state of Florida requires that these types of court papers must be served either by the sheriff’s department or by a private process server certified and registered by the county. Here are some reasons why you should hire a private process server.

You Need Fast Service

The sheriff’s department will serve papers as part of their duties, but they don’t have time to dedicate to the practice. Sheriffs and their deputies have many pressing duties, primarily the protection of the citizens of the county. These duties can often mean that service of process gets pushed to the bottom of the list of priorities. For this reason, it can often take some time for you to get confirmation of service. A private process server only serves papers, which means that they can get your case moving quickly.

You Need Indisputable Evidence

When you hire a trustworthy private process server, they will be able to provide you with indisputable evidence of service. This evidence can be very important. If the defendant or respondent denies that they were served to try to prolong or dismiss the case, you will need to be able to show proof that service occurred.

You Have a Complex Case

Most cases are a simple matter of delivering the papers according to the rules and regulations for that type of case. However, sometimes cases are much more complicated. Your defendant might be located in a different state or country. There may be multiple defendants, all in different locations. A private process server can devote the time and resources to your complex case.

You Can’t Find the Defendant

If you do not have an address for the defendant, you will need to hire a private process server. The sheriff’s department does not have the resources to track people down for service of process. A private process server has the tools and resources to do so.

If you are looking for a trustworthy and professional private process server in Florida, contact us today for more information or to get started.

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