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How Should Process Servers Represent Themselves?

The job of process servers is to serve papers. This means that they have to take summons and other legal documents to the defendants, often before they know they are defendants. Process servers are of course objective and are in fact doing the defendants a favor by ensuring they are aware that they are being taken to court and by giving them time to prepare.

But while this is the case, it’s not the way that many process servers will be seen. Process servers are often unfairly portrayed as being sneaky and devilish – even wearing disguises. Of course, as with ticket officers, this is very much a case of people ‘shooting the messenger’.

The best process servers though need to acknowledge this reputation and they need to acknowledge the fact that they are going to be breaking bad news that may even be emotional for the person being sued. That’s why they must know how to present themselves in a professional manner and in a way that helps to calm the person receiving the papers.

One important aspect of this is correct attire. While servers are sometimes portrayed as wearing ‘disguises’ this is actually fairly uncommon and is not permitted in some states. On the other hand though, process servers are also discouraged from looking too officious. The reason for this is that they mustn’t come across as law enforcement and mustn’t exaggerate their power within the court.

Most importantly of all, process servers must not judge the defendant or the claimant. Not only is it crucial to remember that no one yet has been proven ‘guilty’, but it’s also very important to remain detached and professional. A little sympathy can go along way but is not required. What is required though is that they keep their personal feelings on the matter to themselves.

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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